

Can I disable dynamicImport?

Yes, but it is not recommended to do so.

  1. Install dependencies
pnpm i babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node -D
  1. Add extraBabelPlugins to the configuration, but only enable it for production
// .umirc.ts
export default {
extraBabelPlugins: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? ['babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node']
: []

How to configure loading for dynamicImport when it's not present?

Define src/loading.tsx:

See Directory Structure > loading.tsx

Can I use React 17?

Since Umi v4 has upgraded the default version of React to v18, be aware of compatibility between dependency libraries and React 18 when using Umi4. If you still need to use React 17, run the following commands and restart.

pnpm add react@^17 react-dom@^17

Constantly restarting and refreshing the page after proxying static resources locally

Solution: Configure SOCKET_SERVER=${port} to start the project


Error evaluating function round: argument must be a number

Solution: In the new version of less, / is recognized as property shorthand by default. To restore the old behavior (where / was used as a calculation symbol by default), configure lessLoader: { math: 'always' }.

The layout configuration option in routes does not take effect

The layout configuration has been moved to app.ts, see Runtime Config > layout

Where did document.ejs go and how do I customize the HTML template

In addition to the injection through the configuration of external script, css, you can also use the project-level plugin to more flexibly modify HTML products, see: issuecomment-1151088426

Why are external js files configured in scripts by default inserted after umi.js

React only starts running after the page has fully loaded, so inserting after umi.js will not affect the project.

If you need to insert it before umi.js, see issuecomment-1176960539

How do I code split with Umi4?

Umi 4 splits code by page by default. If you feel the need for further optimization, you can use sub-package strategies or manual splitting, see: Code Splitting Guide

If you have the requirement to pack all js products into a single umi.js file, please disable dynamicImport.

Where did _layout.tsx go and how do I nest routes?

Umi 4 uses react-router v6, and nested route content is displayed through <Outlet />. See: issuecomment-1206194329

How to use GraphQL

For configuring graph-ql loader, see: discussions/8218

How to use WebAssembly

Configure as follows:

// .umirc.ts
export default {
chainWebpack(config) {
config.set('experiments', {
asyncWebAssembly: true
const REG = /\.wasm$/

See an actual example: discussions/8541

How to customize loaders

Depending on the scenario, you may need to exclude the file type you need to load from the static asset rules first and then add your own loader or modify it. Refer to the following examples:

How to use css modules in third-party packages

  1. Directly publish the source code of third-party packages' jsx / ts / tsx to npm, no need to translate to js. Umi 4 supports direct use.

  2. If the third-party package output is js, you need to include it for additional processing by babel to support css modules:

// .umirc.ts
export default {
extraBabelIncludes: ['your-pkg-name']

How to solve the lack of hot updates in npm linked packages

Umi 4 has mfsu enabled by default and ignores changes in node_modules by default. Exclude the package from mfsu as follows:

// .umirc.ts
export default {
mfsu: {
exclude: ['package-name']

What is the priority order of config files for different environments?

For the detailed loading priority, see UMI_ENV, and the same applies to config/config.ts or .umirc.ts.

Problems with IE compatibility

Umi 4 is not IE compatible by default in the context of modern browsers.

If you need to adjust the build for compatibility targets, for older browsers, or for IE, please refer to Legacy Browser Compatibility.

SSR Issues

SSR is still an experimental feature and not recommended for production environments. If any issues are encountered, they should be reported on issues.

Vue / Vite Issues

Umi 4 now supports Vite mode and Vue. There may be edge cases, so report any issues on issue.

Why does the pathname obtained from history differ from the one obtained from useLocation?

This situation occurs when the project is configured with base. history.location.pathname reflects the browser's pathname, which includes the base. Route-related hooks, however, return the frontend route definition's pathname, which does not include the base. Reference.

How to change the compression encoding format of the output

By default, the js/css compressor esbuild uses ascii encoding for compression, which may lead to the encoding of Chinese characters and increase the size of the output.

Adjust the encoding to utf8 to prevent character conversion:

// .umirc.ts
export default {
jsMinifierOptions: { charset: 'utf8' },
cssMinifierOptions: { charset: 'utf8' }

Or switch the compressor to resolve this:

// .umirc.ts
export default {
jsMinifier: 'terser',
cssMinifier: 'cssnano'

How to configure devServer options

Umi 4 no longer supports configuring devServer, but you can find alternatives as follows:

  1. Use the proxy option to set up a proxy, and modify request header information through onProxyReq, see #10760.

  2. Write a project-level plugin to insert an express middleware to modify requests, see #10060.

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